CareConnect | AI-powered Workforce Optimization Platform

CareConnect’s ShiftMatch.AI provides agencies with the tools to streamline workflows, increase referrals, reduce cost penalties, and improve caregiver engagement – all in one place. CareConnect easily integrates with existing tools so home care agencies can work smarter, increase efficiency, reduce manual errors, simplify complex scheduling, and optimize caregiver matching. Better consistency leads to better outcomes.

Use CareConnect’s Value Calculator to see how ShiftMatch.AI creates value across your organization.

Key Features

Seamless Integration with HHAeXchange

Single Sign-On (SSO) with HHAeXchange allows caregivers to move seamlessly from the HHAeXchange mobile app to the CareConnect mobile app through a single access point.

Caregiver Choice and Overtime Management

ShiftMatch.AI uses AI to help agencies maximize their caregiver pool, fill shifts quickly, and decrease overtime by identifying the most compatible, lowest-cost caregivers for each case. Caregiver Choice empowers caregivers to request shifts and build their schedules, booking 40%+ more shifts and freeing coordinators from manual communications.

ShiftMatch.AI Predictive Analytics

With Predictive Analytics, agencies can maximize shift booking and applicant tracking activities. These analytics provide valuable recruiting, retention, and engagement insights to optimize your workforce, boost revenue, save money, and decrease hiring time.

Recruiting Process Outsourcing (RPO)

Worried about caregiver-recruiting costs? Increase engagement and reduce recruitment costs by 50% or more with an internal recruiting team that simplifies the process, qualifies candidates, reviews documents, and saves agencies time and money on recruitment duties.

Scheduling Outsourcing

Need help reducing overhead? Scheduling Outsourcing allows home care agencies to access more effective scheduling resources and minimize cost penalties and overtime pay without hiring additional staff.

Applicant & Progress Tracking

CareConnect ATS encapsulates everything you expect from an industry-leading ATS and is the next step in the critical journey to getting caregivers working when, where, and how they’re needed.

Hear From Our Client

I continue to be impressed with the efficiencies and staff satisfaction that the combination of CareConnect’s products and services creates. – Jim Rolla, SVP – VNS Health Personal Care

Jim Rolla, SVP – VNS Health Personal Care