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Illinois Information Center

Provider Enrollment Form


Illinois has partnered with HHAeXchange to help Illinois providers become compliant with state and federal Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements and ensure a simplified, user-friendly, and seamless experience.

The first step will be to fill out the Illinois – HHAeXchange Provider Enrollment Form, linked below, to identify yourself as an Illinois provider agency.

Illinois Waivers and Managed Care Organizations in Scope

Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)

Illinois Department on Aging (DOA)

Illinois Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC)

Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services

Illinois Home Health (HH)

Aetna Better Health of Illinois

Aetna MMAI

Blue Cross Community Health Plan

Illinois Blue Cross Blue Shield HCI & MMAI

CountyCare Health Plan Illinois HCI

Meridian Health Plan

Molina Healthcare IL HCI & MMAI

Humana IL MMAI

Selecting an EVV solution that fits your provider agency

This enrollment form is designed to capture information about your agency in order for HHAeXchange to collect and report EVV data for all personal care services (PCS).

Your provider agency plays a vital role in the success of the state’s EVV program. Your agency has two options to ensure EVV compliance:

  • Option 1 – Agencies currently without an EVV Solution: You can choose to use free EVV tools from HHAeXchange for Personal Support Worker (PSW) services.
  • Option 2 – Agencies currently using another 3rd Party EVV Solution: You can continue using your existing EVV system or you can switch to the free HHAeXchange EVV solution. If you elect to continue utilizing your current 3rd Party EVV solution, your EVV visit data will be imported into HHAeXchange using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). If you choose to stay with your current EVV provider, please visit the EDI process tab for further instructions.

Placements are Provider Driven for Some Programs

The information below applies to the following programs:

  • Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities Personal Care
  • Illinois Home Health, Division of Specialized Care for Children and Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities Skilled Nursing and Home Health Care Services
  • MCO Home Health Care Services when prior authorization is not required.

The placement process for providers using the free EVV tools from HHAeXchange differs from the placement process for agencies using a 3rd party EVV provider via electronic data interchange (EDI).

  • Placement steps for HHAeXchange Providers (option 1 above):
  1. Create a new member in the HHAeXchange portal
  2. Add the Member’s Medicaid ID
  3. Add the Payer Contract
  4. Add the Service Code

Following these steps will lead to a successful connected placement without authorization.

  • Placement steps for EDI/3rd Party Providers
  1. Manual member entry is not required.
  2. The Member is automatically created upon visit import from the 3rd party API
  3. Refer to the Illinois API Technical Specifications for visit import details.

For inquiries or further assistance, please create a support ticket via the Provider EDI Integrations help desk.


*Please Note*: Illinois Department on Aging Services are not live in the market for EVV/Data aggregation with HHAeXchange. This applies to IDOA and all of the MCOs in market. More information to come from HFS before IDOA will become active.

Electronic Visit Verification Solution for the Illinois Department on Aging

HFS has partnered with HHAeXchange to help Illinois providers become compliant with state and federal Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements and ensure a simplified, user-friendly, and seamless experience.

The first step will be to fill out the Provider Enrollment Form, linked below, to identify yourself as an Illinois provider agency.

Action Needed: Complete the Illinois – HHAeXchange Provider Enrollment Form

Click here to complete the form: Illinois – HHAeXchange Provider Enrollment Form

Selecting an EVV solution that fits your provider agency

This enrollment form is designed to capture information about your agency in order for HHAeXchange to collect and report EVV data for IL Department on Aging.

Your provider agency plays a vital role in the success of the state’s EVV program. As part of your participation with Illinois Department on Aging, you have two options to ensure EVV compliance:

  • Option 1 – Agencies currently without an EVV Solution: You can be set up to use the no-cost HHAeXchange EVV Portal for Personal Care Services.
  • Option 2 – Agencies currently using another 3rd Party EVV Solution: You can use your existing EVV system and import visit data into the HHAeXchange EVV Portal using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Important Dates

EDI Provider Onboarding Webinars: Webinars have been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date

System User training: Webinars have been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date

Learning Management System Access: TBD

Getting Started Webinar – Webinars have been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date

HHAeXchange Overview

Information Sessions were held the week of April 8, 2024, for all providers to share key dates and details about the HHAeXchange EVV Portal implementation, including key workflow changes, system benefits, and next steps. Information Sessions were held jointly with DHS and all MCOs involved.

HHAeXchange hosted a series of in-person information sessions and virtual sessions.

Please find the recording and slidedeck here.

EDI Providers

Please refer to the EDI Process tab to review the Business Requirements Document as well as the Technical Specifications.

Services in Scope

Illinois Department on Aging
Service Code Description
S5130 Homemaker Service-15 Minutes

Electronic Visit Verification Solution for the Illinois Division of Developmental Disability (DDD)

HFS has partnered with HHAeXchange to help Illinois providers become compliant with state and federal Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements and ensure a simplified, user-friendly, and seamless experience.

The first step will be to fill out the Provider Enrollment Form, linked below, to identify yourself as an Illinois provider agency.

Action Needed: Complete the Illinois – HHAeXchange Provider Enrollment Form

Click here to complete the form: Illinois – HHAeXchange Provider Enrollment Form

Selecting an EVV solution that fits your provider agency

This enrollment form is designed to capture information about your agency in order for HHAeXchange to collect and report EVV data for Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD).

Your provider agency plays a vital role in the success of the state’s EVV program. As part of your participation with Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), you have two options to ensure EVV compliance:

  • Option 1 – Agencies currently without an EVV Solution: You can be set up to use the no-cost HHAeXchange EVV Portal for Homecare services.
  • Option 2 – Agencies currently using another 3rd Party EVV Solution: You can use your existing EVV system and import visit data into the HHAeXchange EVV Portal using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Important Dates Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) Personal Care

  • Go-Live: September 1, 2023

HHAeXchange Overview

Information Sessions are being held for all providers to share key dates and details about the HHAeXchange EVV Portal implementation, including key workflow changes, system benefits, and next steps.

The recording and slide deck can be found below for Illinois DDD personal care services:

Go-Live Support Webinar for Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) Personal Care

The Go-Live Support Webinar was held for all in scope providers and covered the updates and changes related to the Illinois Implementation in the HHAeXchange system. The webinar sessions concluded on Thursday August 24, 2023. The recording and slide deck can be found below:

Recording | Slides

Upcoming Webinars

Please click here for Additional Training Webinars.

Use the Learning Management System (LMS):

Receive LMS Credentials from the HHAeXchange Onboarding Team and follow instructions to complete the courses and videos on a self-paced format to complete.

  • An email will be sent to the contact that completed the Cognito Survey
  • One Username will be sent for your Agency to use. Username can be distributed amongst all members of your agency to complete the assigned courses.
  • Login to the LMS website using the provided credentials in the email
  • Work on completing the courses by reviewing the information provided
  • Any updates made to the password should be distributed amongst all members who have access to the account
  • All providers can contact us by submitting a ticket via the Client Support Portal:

Visit the Learning Management System

EDI Providers

Please refer to the EDI Process tab to review the Business Requirements Document as well as the Technical Specifications.

Electronic Visit Verification Solution for the Illinois Home Health

HFS has partnered with HHAeXchange to help Illinois providers become compliant with state and federal Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements and ensure a simplified, user-friendly, and seamless experience.

The first step will be to fill out the Provider Enrollment Form, linked below, to identify yourself as an Illinois provider agency.

Action Needed: Complete the Illinois – HHAeXchange Provider Enrollment Form

Click here to complete the form: Illinois – HHAeXchange Provider Enrollment Form

Selecting an EVV solution that fits your provider agency

This enrollment form is designed to capture information about your agency in order for HHAeXchange to collect and report EVV data for IL Home Health.

Your provider agency plays a vital role in the success of the state’s EVV program. As part of your participation with Illinois Home Health, you have two options to ensure EVV compliance:

  • Option 1 – Agencies currently without an EVV Solution: You can be set up to use the no-cost HHAeXchange EVV Portal for Homecare services.
  • Option 2 – Agencies currently using another 3rd Party EVV Solution: You can use your existing EVV system and import visit data into the HHAeXchange EVV Portal using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Important Dates Illinois Home Health

  • Go-Live: December 31, 2023

HHAeXchange Overview

Information Sessions are being held for all providers to share key dates and details about the HHAeXchange EVV Portal implementation, including key workflow changes, system benefits, and next steps.

Please find the recording and slidedeck here

IHHC Home Health Webinar 

IHHC Home Health EVV webinar was held on 2/7/24. The recording and slide deck can be found below.


Go-Live Support Webinar for Illinois Home Health

The Go-Live Support Webinar was held for all in scope providers and covered the updates and changes related to the Illinois Implementation in the HHAeXchange system. The webinar sessions concluded on Thursday January 4th, 2024. The recording and slide deck can be found below:

Recording | Slides

Upcoming Webinars

Please click here for Additional Training Webinars.

Use the Learning Management System (LMS):

Receive LMS Credentials from the HHAeXchange Onboarding Team and follow instructions to complete the courses and videos on a self-paced format to complete.

  • An email will be sent to the contact that completed the Cognito Survey
  • One Username will be sent for your Agency to use. Username can be distributed amongst all members of your agency to complete the assigned courses.
  • Login to the LMS website using the provided credentials in the email
  • Work on completing the courses by reviewing the information provided
  • Any updates made to the password should be distributed amongst all members who have access to the account
  • All providers can contact us by submitting a ticket via the Client Support Portal:

Visit the Learning Management System

EDI Providers

Please refer to the EDI Process tab to review the Business Requirements Document as well as the Technical Specifications.

HHAeXchange is offered at no cost to the providers. However, we understand that providers may need to expend time and resources to implement a change this large in order to achieve compliance in partnership and cooperation with Illinois (IL). Here’s a look at some of the benefits you will get if you choose the no-cost HHAeXchange EVV Portal.


  • Participant Management
  • Mobile Application in Multiple Languages
  • Telephone Lines in English and Spanish
  • EVV options focused on Self-Direction
  • Clock-In / Clock-Out Exception Dashboard
  • Submission / Aggregation of EVV Data


  • Plan of Care Adherence
  • Visit Confirmation Compliance
  • Visit Reporting

Purpose-Built for Self-Direction

  • Participant or employer review and approval of time worked

Monthly EVV Compliance Report

The Know Your Numbers Q&A session held on November 8 provided insight into the EVV Compliance Report and how it supports transparency and accountability across the EVV process. If you missed the webinar or would like a refresher, please review the deck below.

Slide Deck

To help you navigate the report, we’ve prepared a detailed article that walks you through the compliance reporting details step-by-step. It is available on the HHAeXchange Knowledge Base.

Click the links below to review EVV Policies for provider agencies by program:

HHCS provider agencies billing fee-for-service Medicaid/State Plan and MCOs

PSWs and HHCS provider agencies billing DDD

HHCS provider agencies billing DSCC

Monthly Reporting:

The report will be generated via email on the 15th of each month to all admin users for agencies providing services for the payers listed below.

  • Aetna Better Health of Illinois
  • Aetna MMAI
  • IL Blue Cross Blue Shield HCI & MMAI
  • CountyCare Health Plan IL HCI
  • Meridian Health Plan of IL
  • Molina Healthcare IL HCA & MMAI
  • Humana IL MMAI
  • IL Dept. of Healthcare & Family Services
  • IL Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • IL Division of Specialized Care for Children

Please note: DRS and DOA services are not in scope for EVV at this time.

F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions)

Let’s simplify EVV Compliance Reporting, together. Below you will find some questions from provider agencies and answers from Subject Matter Experts to help you understand your reports and how to use them.

Question Answer
What will happen when you find paid claims that have visits that don’t have EVV data in HHAX? For EVV in scope services, paid claims comparison is in the initial stages. Any policies related to paid claims matching thresholds and impact to provider agencies will be communicated once effective.
When is HFS going to start matching claims data with EVV data collected? HHAeXchange is working with HFS, DSCC, and DDD to develop reporting on paid claims comparisons to EVV data.
So far we have not been able to set up schedules using your portal. The support team said it is because IDOA and MCO authorizations are not loaded into your system. So what do we do from here to be in compliance? There is no statewide EVV aggregation compliance for IDOA currently as IDOA and DRS are not in scope or live with HHAeXchange at this time. There is no definitive ETA for when IDOA and DRS will go live with HHAeXchange. Providers billing IDOA, DRS, or the MCOs for services provided to IDOA or DRS customers should continue following current EVV policies and billing practices until further notice. Questions regarding IDOA EVV policy may be submitted to [email protected]. Questions regarding DRS EVV policy may be submitted to [email protected].
Any idea on when claims denials will start? Providers will be notified through updated policy if/when a State payer elects to implement claims denials for EVV non-compliance. Please refer to the respective State payer (DSCC, DDD, or HFS) for current EVV policy.
Comment from IL Dept. on Aging: For IDOA, providers who have questions specific to EVV for your IDOA customers, please email [email protected].
So IDOA and MCO is not in the scope of this presentation as of yet? There is no statewide EVV aggregation compliance for IDOA currently as IDOA and DRS are not in scope or live with HHAeXchange at this time. There is no definitive ETA for when IDOA and DRS will go live with HHAeXchange. Providers billing IDOA, DRS, or the MCOs for services provided to IDOA or DRS customers should continue following current EVV policies and billing practices until further notice. Questions regarding IDOA EVV policy may be submitted to [email protected]. Questions regarding DRS EVV policy may be submitted to [email protected].
How much time does the staff have to clock in and out from the scheduled time? Is there a grace period? (ie. scheduled at 7am, but clocks in at 7:03am) No schedules are required for in-scope EVV services. If there is no schedule in the system, your clock in and clock out becomes the ‘schedule’ and visit time.
How does the tolerance rate of 500 feet work if it is a community visit? This topic was covered during the July 3, 2023, Illinois EVV Townhall webinar. Please see slide 28 of the presentation at this link. Community Visits are not considered exceptions.
If the patient’s parent wants the nurse to work with them in a different location, e.g., the parent goes on vacation and wants the staff to follow them, can the staff clock in and out in a different location if the client is with them? Please speak with the respective State payer (HFS, DDD, or DSCC) regarding policy pertaining to service provision outside of the home.
What is the option for a client who does not have a home phone and the staff member does not have a cell phone that is able to download the app? Please submit this question to the respective State payer for guidance (DDD, DSCC, HFS).
I know that IDOA and DRS are not going live, but what about the MCO’s? Homemaker services (S5130) are currently not in scope. If you’re serving a CCP or HSP customer under IDOA or DRS, whether you’re billing IDOA, DRS, or an MCO, HHAX is not available for EVV and not required for EVV at this time.
IDOA CCP and DRS waiver programs are NOT live with HHA and no ETA for when that will happen – correct? NO ETA at this time. More info to come.
What is the deadline in integrating? The expectation is to be currently integrated for services in scope. Please refer to HFS’ EVV website (link) for implementation timelines.
What is the rule for manual clock in and out if caregiver has network issue or app is not working; will it be acceptable under compliance? For providers using the HHAeXchange mobile application, utilizing the offline mode of the mobile application will not impact compliance. If using a 3rd party vendor, please confirm this functionality with your vendor.
Which programs are live with HHAeXchange and will appear on the EVV Compliance Report? The following programs are live and part of this initiative: Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS)-Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) for PSW and HHCS, Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services (HFS) for HHCS, and Division of Specialized Care for Children for HHCS.
Which providers will receive the EVV Compliance report? All linked providers will receive the EVV Compliance report. This includes both providers who use HHAeXchange as their EVV system as well as those using an Alternate EVV Vendor.
Who will receive the email with the EVV Compliance Report? All active users in HHAeXchange with an “Admin” role will receive the report via email.
When is the report generated? The report is generated and e-mailed to users on the 15th of each month.
What data is contained on the report each month? The report contains visit data for dates of service from the previous month, which have been entered or edited up until the 15th of the following month (when the report is generated). For example, the report sent on December 15, 2024 contains visits with dates of service 11/1/24-11/30/24.
What is the threshold for EVV Compliance? IDHS-DDD, DSCC, and HFS provider agencies who do not achieve 75% overall EVV visit compliance by October 31, 2025, will receive Corrective Action Plans that if not implemented, will ultimately result in a referral to HFS OIG.
What is considered an exception for EVV? “There are seven exception categories:

  1. No EVV Call In
  2. No EVV Call Out
  3. No EVV Call In and No EVV Call Out
  4. TEMP Caregiver assigned to visit
  5. No GPS Coordinates when EVV Type is Mobile
  6. No Caller ID when EVV Type is Telephony (IVR)
  7. Manual Edit (EVV Call In and EVV Call Out do not match Visit Start Time and Visit End Time)
How is EVV Compliance Calculated? “The calculation is as follows:

(Total Visits for the Time Period – Total Visits for the Time Period with an Exception)/ Total Visits for the Time Period”

If my caregiver’s clock in and out are different from the schedule, does that affect compliance? No schedules are required for in scope EVV services, and the EVV Compliance calculation does not consider Schedule times. If the caregiver clock in and out are different than the schedule, it will not impact your compliance.
If my caregiver has network issue or the app is not working, how does that impact EVV and compliance? If there are technical challenges, manual entry will need to be done to ensure the visit is still documented in HHAeXchange. Manual entry will count as an exception; however, this is one of the reasons why the target compliance is set below 100%, to allow for occasional issues such as this.
If EVV is performed in the Community, does this count against EVV Compliance? Among the programs live for HHAeXchange, only IDHS-DDD PSWs are allowed to log EVV visits in the community when service is performed in the community. GPS coordinates in the community will not negatively impact compliance for IDHS-DDD PSWs. Please ensure the PSW is properly denoting “Community” when using the HHAeXchange mobile app, or that your EVV vendor is indicating visits done in the Community using the integration.

EVV Compliance Report Training

The Know Your Numbers Q&A session held on November 8 provided insight into the EVV Compliance Report and how it supports transparency and accountability across the EVV process. If you missed the webinar or would like a refresher, please review the deck below.

Slide Deck 

To help you navigate the report, we’ve prepared a detailed article that walks you through the compliance reporting details step-by-step.  It is available on the HHAeXchange Knowledge Base.

Illinois Department on Aging Upcoming Training

EDI Provider Onboarding Webinars: Webinars have been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date

System User training: Webinars have been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date

Getting Started Webinar – Webinars have been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date

Upcoming Webinars

Please click here for Additional Training Webinars.

HHAeXchange University (LMS):

HHAeXchange University is the new Learning Management System (LMS) for software mastery. This user-friendly, self-paced platform is designed to help you learn the HHAeXchange portal and Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) in less time. Getting started is easy—register on the LMS Sign Up page using your name, email, chosen password, and six-digit customer ID. No need to share credentials—anyone from your agency can create their own login. Once registered, explore personalized learning plans and start your journey today. Your foundational training takes just 2-3 hours, putting essential tools and knowledge at your fingertips!

Access HHAeXchange University now


Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Process

The EVV integration timeline is dependent on the 3rd party agency management system and other factors. While in the configuration process, you do not need to do anything further for EVV or data aggregation at this time aside from responding to vendor or HHAX requests for EDI linking. As long as EVV data is being captured, it will be transferred over for aggregation retroactively once linking is completed.

EDI Tip Sheet

EDI Overview (Integrating with a 3rd Party Agency Management System)

Note, this process applies specifically for providers that chose option 2, found on the “Overview” tab above.

Thank you for working with HHAeXchange on the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) project for your agency. Below you will find information about the general requirements and steps to successfully integrate your 3rd Party Agency Management System with HHAeXchange. EDI providers will be required to comply with both the business requirements and technical specifications listed below. Upon review of the documents below, please contact HHAeXchange to begin the integration process.

Initial steps EDI providers should follow:

Please review and follow the steps below, (these steps are also found on the HHAeXchange Provider EDI Welcome Packet):

  1. Business Requirements Link
  2. Technical Specification document
  3. Authorization Specification
  4. Please follow these instructions in order for the EDI team to receive your file. Go to, from the support portal page please click on 3rd party integration support and submit a caregiver import request.

 Importing Caregivers into HHAeXchange 

(Note: This action is not required for agency providers using an EDI Import file to integrate with their 3rd Party Agency Management System). 

To assist organizations with a large census of Caregivers, HHAeXchange has created a Caregiver Bulk Import tool to expedite the entry process.CLICK HEREto access the Caregiver Bulk Import Process Guide, which provides instructions for how to: 

  • Access and Save the Caregiver Import Template 
  • Prepare the Caregiver import File for your Agency 
  • Follow instructions in order for the EDI team to receive your file. Go to From the support portal page please click on Provider EDI Integrations and submit a caregiver import request. 

Training Opportunities for EDI Providers

EDI Onboarding Webinar for Illinois Department of Aging

EDI training for IL DOA is TBD. Please check back for registration after Information Sessions

EDI Onboarding Webinar for Illinois Home Health

Our EDI Onboarding Webinar has concluded. The recording and slide deck can be found below:

Recording | Slides

EDI Onboarding Webinar for Illinois DDD Personal Care

Our EDI Onboarding Webinar has concluded. The recording and slide deck can be found below:

Recording | Slides

Personal Care Services (PCS):

Individuals receiving personal support in the home through Illinois’ Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers, This consists of services supporting Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and meal preparation. Illinois’ (HCBS) waivers that fall under the PCS definition include:
Persons with Disabilities waiver
Brain Injury waiver
HIV/AIDS waiver
Elderly Waiver
Adults with Developmental Disabilities Waiver
Children and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities Support Waiver

Illinois Department on Aging Please note, the IDOA service is not currently active with HHAeXchange for IDOA or any MCO in the market.

Service Code Description
S5130 Homemaker Service-15 Minutes

Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) – Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) Personal Care Services

Service Code Service Description
T1019 Personal Support
T1019:TU Personal Support (Overtime)
T2034 Personal Support (Crisis Funding)
T2034:TU Personal Support (Crisis Funding Overtime)

Home Health Care Services (HHCS): Individuals receiving home health services through the Medicaid State Plan, or authorized under a waiver, including the Medically Fragile Technology Dependent (MFTD) Waiver

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) – Medicaid State Plan Home Health

Service Code Description
T1020 In-home shift nursing for Nursing and Personal Care Services in all counties; child age 0 through 20 – CNA
T1003 In-home shift nursing for Nursing and Personal Care Services in all counties; child age 0 through 20 – LPN
T1002 In-home shift nursing for Nursing and Personal Care Services in all counties; child age 0 through 20 – RN
G0153 Speech therapy visit
G0153:U2 Speech therapy evaluation
G0152 Occupational therapy visit or occupational therapy assistant visit
G0152:U2 Occupational therapy evaluation or occupational therapy assistant evaluation
G0151 Physical therapy visit or physical therapy assistant visit
G0151:U2 Physical therapy evaluation or physical therapy assistant evaluation
G0156 Home health aide visit
G0300 Intermittent skilled nursing visit – LPN
G0299 Intermittent skilled nursing visit – RN
G0299:U2 Intermittent skilled nursing assessment visit – RN

Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) – Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)

Service Code Description
T1003 Nursing LPN – Agency Provider
T1002 Nursing RN – Agency Provider
G0153 Speech Therapy Visit
G0152 Occupational Therapy Visit or Occupational Therapy Assistant Visit
G0151 Physical Therapy Visit or Physical Therapy Assistant Visit
T2034:TU Personal Support (Crisis Funding)

Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) – Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC)

Service Code Description
S5150 Respite Nursing (MFTD waiver, CNA providing service)
T1002 Nursing RN – Agency Provider (MFTD waiver)
T1002:CR Nursing RN – Agency Provider Parents (Overtime)
T1002:TT Nursing RN – Agency Provider (Multiple Patients)
T1002:TU Nursing RN – Agency Provider (Overtime)
T1002:TT:TU Nursing RN – Agency Provider (Multiple Patients, Overtime)
T1002:TT:U7 Nursing RN – Agency Provider Parent (Multiple Patients)
T1002:TU:U7 Nursing RN – Agency Provider Parent (Overtime)
T1002:TT:TU:U7 Nursing RN – Agency Provider Parent (Multiple Patients, Overtime)
T1002:U7 Nursing RN – Agency Provider (MFTD waiver-Family Member)
T1003 Nursing LPN – Agency Provider (MFTD waiver)
T1003:CR Nursing LPN – Agency Provider Parents (Overtime)
T1003:TT Nursing LPN – Agency Provider (Multiple Patients)
T1003:TU Nursing LPN – Agency Provider (Overtime)
T1003:TT:TU Nursing LPN – Agency Provider (Multiple Patients, Overtime)
T1003:TT:U7 Nursing LPN – Agency Provider Parent (Multiple Patients)
T1003:TU:U7 Nursing LPN – Agency Provider Parent (Overtime)
T1003:TT:TU:U7 Nursing LPN – Agency Provider Parent (Multiple Patients, Overtime)
T1003:U7 Nursing LPN – Agency Provider (MFTD waiver-Family Member)
T1004 Home Health Aide Services – Agency Provider
T1004:TU Home Health Aide Services – Agency Provider (MFTD waiver)
T1005:TE Respite Nursing – LPN
T1005:TD Respite Nursing – RN
T1005:TE:TT Respite Nursing (MFTD waiver, LPN, RN providing service)
T1005:TD:TT Respite Nursing (MFTD waiver, LPN, RN providing service)


Click here to review the detailed FAQ 2.0 document in regard to the Illinois Implementation.

What is HHAeXchange?

HHAeXchange is the premiere homecare management software solution for the Medicaid LTSS population. We act as the single source of truth in connecting payers, providers, and patients through our intuitive web-based platform, enabling unparalleled communication, transparency, and visibility.

What if we’d like to use HHAeXchange’s Payer-sponsored EVV System?

Great! If you’d like to use HHAeXchange’s Payer-sponsored EVV system ensure that you’ve completed the Illinois HHAeXchange provider enrollment form. The contact person listed in your response will be contacted by HHAeXchange to set up your agency for EVV.

What if we have an EVV System that we’d like to keep?

It’s simple to connect your existing EVV system to Illinois through the HHAeXchange Portal. Ensure that you’ve completed the Illinois HHAeXchange provider enrollment form, and the HHAeXchange Integrations Team will coordinate with you to create an interface to process your existing EVV visits and claims. EDI Process Guides can be found in the EDI Process tab, above.

Can I schedule my caregivers through the HHAeXchange Portal?

Yes. You’ll be able to schedule your caregivers through the HHAeXchange Portal either by creating schedules based on the authorization provided by the payer, or through automatic creation of schedules based on EVV data imported into the HHAeXchange Portal from your 3rd party EVV system.

How will I be trained on the HHAeXchange Portal?

Please see the Training tab, above.

Can I Import and Export data into the HHAeXchange Portal?

Please see the EDI Process tab, above.

How can I manage my caregiver SSN in the HHAeXchange system?

IL HFS released a policy on September 3, 2024, regarding the requirement of caregiver SSN in the HHAeXchange system starting October 17, 2024. This policy is located here.

For guidance on how to manage the caregiver SSN in the HHAeXchange system, please see the resources below:

  • IL Department of Healthcare and Family Services is currently holding recurring Townhall meetings for all in scope provider agencies
    • To register for upcoming meetings please click here
    • To watch previously recorded meetings, and access presentations, please visit the HFS EVV Townhall Meetings page

All providers can use our Client Support Portal to find answers to questions and create support requests or reach out to HHAeXchange at [email protected]

If you need to contact someone directly for Department on Aging, please email [email protected]

If you need to contact someone directly from DHS-DDD, please email [email protected].

If you need to contact someone directly for Home Health, please email [email protected].

 HHAeXchange Illinois EVV Helpline: (833)961-7429